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Zest PHP Framework Benefits in 2019 - Zest package blog

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Package: Zest

Many PHP frameworks have been developed to use in PHP applications but sometimes it is not clear what are the benefits of using each one.

Zest is a PHP framework that can help improving the process of building Web applications in PHP.

Read this article to learn why using the Zest Framework is a good idea for all PHP developers, what are the benefits of using it, and what the most useful features that it provides for PHP Web developers.

What do you need to know before using the Zest PHP Framework

Before using the Zest Framework it is important to understand why it is a good idea to use it.

Nowadays, there are many PHP frameworks available out there. So the question that is often raised is: why we should use another PHP framework.

The main purpose of this package is to provide a very lightweight framework made of classes that can work without any external dependencies, except for a core class and an autoloader.

The Zest Framework is very light for instance in terms of the size of its class files. The total size of all its PHP source files is less then 1MB.

What are the Key Benefits of the Framework Components

Zest is a simple yet powerful PHP MVC framework for rapid application development that is suited for small to medium and large scale Web applications and APIs.

Here is an overview of the key benefits of the framework components:

Advance Routing System

The Zest framework provides an advanced routing system that offers:
  1. Flexible routing of requests matching URLs with regular expressions
  2. Forward requests to controller classes
  3. Can use closures to customize handling of routes
  4. Implement routes for REST HTTP requests

Router Caching

The Zest framework provides a router caching feature that PHP applications can take advantage to decrease the amount of time it takes to register all of your application's routes. In some cases your application route registration process may become up to 100 times faster. 

There is a Zest router cache file located at root/Storage/Cache.

To generate a route cache, you just need to enable it in configuration file by setting the option ROUTER_CACHE to true, or false to disable caching. The default value is true.

The Zest framework provides an easy way for creating a Web site. After enabling router caching in the configuration file, your cached routes file will be loaded on every request.

Remember, that if you add any new routes, you do not need to regenerate the route cache because Zest framework regenerates the cache automatically for you after a specific period of time define in configuration file.

The option ROUTE_CACHE_REGENERATE defines a time value in seconds for the life of the cache file. After that it expires a cache file auto refreshed default value is 3600 - 1 hour.

Model-View-Controller Based System

ZestFramework makes use of the MVC design pattern to use modeles that can be complex and it helps you to create an application easily by using controllers and views.

It assists you, the developer, in assembling core libraries for your systems and enables you to integrate with your own scripts that can access a database.

Error Handling

It offers a simple user-friendly interface that help you to displays all PHP errors in your web application without missing any relevant details.


The Zest Framework provides a validation class library to validate submitted form data easily.

Dependency Injection

ZestFramework supports dependency injection, so you have complete control of your external service dependencies using any container that supports interoperability.

Extremely Light Weight

The core files of the ZestFramework have less then 1MB in size.


It comes an email sending class that supports attachments, HTML or Text messages, and multiple delivery methods like for instance the SMTP protocol.

Others Benefits

The Zest Framework also provide other benefits that are listed here briefly:
  1. Security filtering for attack prevention: XSS, SQL Injection and CSRF.
  2. Session and cookies management
  3. Image manipulation library: cropping, resizing, rotating, etc..
  4. File manipulation
  5. Benchmarking
  6. Error logging
  7. User agent detection
  8. Zip compression
  9. Large library of "helper" functions

Parts of the framework you should use in your application

  1. Router: routes URL requests to your site
  2. Controller: responsible for performing a requested action
  3. Views: display output views
  4. Input: user input handling
  5. Database: manage database
  6. Authentication: described below
  7. Logger: recording activity of your application like errors, events, and help debugging problems with the code
  8. Dependencies Injection: load dependent classes automatically

Simple use of Zest Framework

As Auth Management library bundled with Zest Framework, we create simple auth app.

It is necessary to perform some configuration before using the Auth Management library in Zest Framework open


    * Auth database table.
    * @var string
const AUTH_DB_TABLE = 'users';
    * Auth database name.
    * @var string
const AUTH_DB_NAME = 'zestweb';
    * Auth default verification link.
    * @var string
const VERIFICATION_LINK = '/account/verify/';
    * Auth default verification link.
    * @var string
const RESET_PASSWORD_LINK = '/account/reset/password';
    * is send email over smtp.
    * @var string
const IS_SMTP = false;
    * is user need to verify email.
    * @var string
const IS_VERIFY_EMAIL = false;
    * sticky password.
    * @var string
const STICKY_PASSWORD = false;
    * Defaults auth errors msgs.
    * @var array
const AUTH_ERRORS = [
    'password_confitm'   => 'Password much be matched',
    'username_not_exist' => 'Sorry, the username does not exists',
    'email_not_exist'    => 'Sorry, the email does not exists',
    'password_match'     => 'Password does not matched',
    'sticky_password'    => 'Password much be greate then 6 much contain lowercase,uppercase and special character',
    'account_verify'     => 'You should verify your account in order to login, another verification is sended to your email address',
    'already_login'      => 'Account already loggedin',
    'need_login'         => 'You need login to your account in order to update profile',
    'token'              => 'Invilid request',
    * Defaults auth success msgs.
    * @var array
const SUCCESS = [
    'signin'          => 'Login successfully',
    'signup'          => 'Your account has been created successfully',
    'update'          => 'Your account has been updated',
    'update_password' => 'Your password has been updated',
    'verified'        => 'Your account verified login now to enjoy in our services',
    'reset'           => 'Password reset request has been sended to your email',
    * Defaults auth email subjects.
    * @var array
    'need_verify' => 'Account verification required',
    'verified'    => 'Account verified',
    'reset'       => 'Password reset request',
    * Defaults auth email bodies.
    * @var array
    'need_verify' => 'Dear :email your account has been created you need verify your account<br><a href=":link">verify my account</a><br>Click above link if you unable to open copy paste below link <br>:link',
    'reset'       => 'Dear :email We receive password reset request form your account reset your password now<br><a href=":link">reset my password</a><br>Click above link if you unable to open copy paste below link <br>:link',
    'verified'    => 'Dear :email your account verified login now to enjoy in our services',

Change this configuration according to your requirement.

Default Database Structure

Required fields: username, email, password, salts, token, resetToken (for allow reset password)

Lets create simple auth app in Zest Framework

Required routes

// Add the routes
//create url:
//create url:
//create url:
//create url:
$router->get('account/signup', "Account@signup");
//create url:
$router->post('account/signup/action', "Account@signupProcess");
//create url:
$router->get('account/logout', "Account@logout");
//create url:
$router->get('{username:@([a-zA-Z0-9])+}', "Account@profileView");
//create url:
$router->get('account/profile/edit', "Account@profileEdit");
//create url:
$router->post('account/update/action', "Account@profileUpdate");
//create url:
$router->post('account/update/bio/action', "Account@profileBioUpdate");
//create url:
$router->post('account/update/password/action', "Account@profilePasswordUpdate");
//create url:
$router->get('account/reset', "Account@reset");
//create url:
//create url:$token
$router->get('account/reset/password/{token:[A-Za-z0-9]+}', "Account@resetPassword");
//create url:
$router->post('account/reset/password-password/process', "Account@resetPasswordProcess");

Required Controller

<?php namespace App\Controllers; //for using View use Zest\View\View; //for using auth management use Zest\Auth\Auth; use Zest\Auth\User; class Home extends \Zest\Controller\Controller { /** * Show the index page. * * @return void */ public function index() { $user = new User; // in Auth user class there is method isLogin to check is user login or not if ($user->isLogin()) { // in Auth user class there is method loginUser that return the login user array $args = $user->loginUser(); View::View('account/profile',$args[0]); } else { View::view('account/signup'); } } }

Account Controller


namespace App\Controllers;

//for using View
use Zest\View\View;
//for using auth
use Zest\Auth\Auth;
use Zest\Auth\User;

class Account extends \Zest\Controller\Controller
    //check is user is login or not
    public function isLogin() 
        $user = new User;
        // in Auth user class there is method isLogin to check is user login or not
        if ($user->isLogin()) {
            //redirect() is builtin function in zest framework for redirect to another page
    //User login form
    public function login()
        //Loading the view form
    //Process the login request/actuin
    public function loginProcess() 
        //Getting the user value
        // using builtin input function
        //escape function clean the input for escaping
        $username = escape(input('username'));
        $password = escape(input('password'));
        $auth = new Auth;
        //Call the auth signin method accpet two arguments
        // username and password 
        //check if there is error
        if ($auth->fail()) {
            // if yes, get the error
            $errors = $auth->error()->get();
            //loop throught the error
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                if (is_array($error)) {
                    foreach ($error as $value) {
                        echo $value."<br>";
                } else {
                    echo $error."<br>";
        } else {
            //if no error print 1 on screen means true
            echo '1';
    // Signup form
    public function signup()
        //Load the signup form
    public function signupProcess() 
        //Getting the user value
        // using builtin input function
        //escape function clean the input for escaping
        $name = escape(input('name'));
        $username = escape(input('username'));
        $email = escape(input('email'));
        $password = escape(input('password'));
        $confirm = escape(input('confirm'));
        $auth = new Auth;
        //Signup method accpet the three required arguments
        // $username,$email and password 
        //Fourth array argument is optional you can provide many fields in fourth argument if want
        $auth->signup()->signup($username,$email,$password,['name' => $name, 'passConfirm' => $confirm,'role' => 'normal','ip' => (new \Zest\UserInfo\UserInfo)->ip()]);
       //check if there is error
        if ($auth->fail()) {
            // if yes, get the error
            $errors = $auth->error()->get();
            //loop throught the error
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                if (is_array($error)) {
                    foreach ($error as $value) {
                        echo $value."<br>";
                } else {
                    echo $error."<br>";
        } else {
            // If no error print successfull message
            echo 'Your account has been created login to enjoy in our services';
    // Logout the users
    public function logout() 
        $auth = new Auth;
        // Call the logout method in auth class
        //redirect the user to login page back
    public function profileEdit()
        $user = new User;
        if ($user->isLogin()) {
            $args = $user->loginUser();
            //profile edit form
        } else {
    public function profileUpdate()
        $user = new User;
        $error = false;
        $name = escape(input('name'));
        $username = escape(input('username'));
        $email = escape(input('email'));
        //check if username is already exists
        if ($user->isUsername($username)) {
            $error = true;
            echo "Sorry, {$username} username already exists, try another";
        //check if email is already exists
        if ($user->isEmail($email)) {
            $error = true;
            echo "Sorry, {$email} email already exists, try another";
        if ($error !== true) {
            $auth = new Auth;
            $id = $user->loginUser()[0]['id'];
            //update the user details
            if ($auth->fail()) {
                $errors = $auth->error()->get();
                foreach ($errors as $error) {
                    if (is_array($error)) {
                        foreach ($error as $value) {
                            echo $value."<br>";
                    } else {
                        echo $error."<br>";
            } else {
                echo 'Your account has been updated successfully';
    public function profileBioUpdate()
        $user = new User;
        $bio = escape(input('bio'));      
        $auth = new Auth;
        //get id of login user
        $id = $user->loginUser()[0]['id'];
        //update bio of user
        if ($auth->fail()) {
            $errors = $auth->error()->get();
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                if (is_array($error)) {
                    foreach ($error as $value) {
                        echo $value."<br>";
                } else {
                    echo $error."<br>";
        } else {
            echo 'Your account bio has been updated successfully';
    public function profilePasswordUpdate()
        $user = new User;
        $password = escape(input('password'));   
        $confirm = escape(input('confirm'));      
        $auth = new Auth;
        //get id of login user
        $id = $user->loginUser()[0]['id'];
        //Update the password
        if ($auth->fail()) {
            $errors = $auth->error()->get();
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                if (is_array($error)) {
                    foreach ($error as $value) {
                        echo $value."<br>";
                } else {
                    echo $error."<br>";
        } else {
            echo 'Your account password has been updated successfully';
    public function profileView() 
       $username = $this->route_params['username'];
       $username = str_replace("@", '', $username);
       $user = new User;
       if ($user->isUsername($username)) {
            $args = $user->getByWhere('username',$username);
            //profile view
       } else {
    //Reset password form where user enter his email
    public function reset()
        // Load the reset form
        //Create your form that should email and one buttom
    //Reset password process
    public function resetProcess()
        $auth = new Auth;
        // reset the password
        if ($auth->fail()) {
            $errors = $auth->error()->get();
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                if (is_array($error)) {
                    foreach ($error as $value) {
                        echo $value."<br>";
                } else {
                    echo $error."<br>";
        } else {
            echo 'Your Password reset request has been recieved check your email';
    public function resetPassword()
        $token = $this->route_params['token'];
        $user = new User;
        //check if reset token is exists
        if ($user->isResetToken($token)) {
            $args = ['token' => $token];
        } else {
    public function resetPasswordProcess()
        $password = input('password');
        $confirm =  input('confirm');
        $token = input('token');
        $user = new User;
        //get the user id by resetToken
        $id = $user->getByWhere('resetToken',$token)[0]['id'];
        $auth = new Auth;
        //update the user password
        if ($auth->fail()) {
            $errors = $auth->error()->get();
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                if (is_array($error)) {
                    foreach ($error as $value) {
                        echo $value."<br>";
                } else {
                    echo $error."<br>";
        } else {
            $auth->update()->update(['resetToken' => 'NULL'],$id);
            echo "Password update successfully ";

In the account controller we called method form auth management


Create view yourself or download files form here and download required CSS or JavaScript or image files form here the folder structure should be same.

Source code

The source code of this application is available on Github. Feel free to download and contribute. 

How We Are Different from Others

Very Light in weight (core filesize less then 1MB)yesno
Without external dependencies (expect core and autoload)yesno
Support Componentsyesno

Comparison Between Zest Framework and Other Frameworks

Router CachingYesYesYesNoYes
Cache storageFile system, Memcache , APC, OpcacheFile System, Database, Memcached, APC, Redis, Xcache, WinCache, Memory (Arrays) NoFile, apc, memcached, xcacheYes
Dependency injection containerYesYesYesNoYes
Template SystemZest , PHP customBlade, PHP, CustomTwigPHP, Simple template parser "{var_name}"Twig
Testing libraryNoPHPUnitNoPHPUnit (In development)Yes
Logging managementYes (psr-3 without interface)yesYesNoYes
Core file size including dependencies691 KB7.69 MB++636 KB1.80 MB17.1 MB++


The goal of this article is to provide enough information to let you evaluate the different PHP frameworks, so you can compare and find which ones are more suitable for your needs. If you have questions or find inaccuracies, post a comment here. Meanwhile you can share this article with other developers.

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