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Articles and news about the PHP community

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130. PHP Performance Optimization, PHP Code Generation, AppIgnite - Lately in PHP podcast episode 5

Posted on: 2010-09-28

On the episode 5 of the Lately in PHP podcast, Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert have as guest Jason Roberts, developer of the upcoming Web based application generation AppIgnite.

They have discussed several topics of interest like PHP code generation tools for speeding up PHP development, the video of Rasmus Lerdorf talk on PHP performance optimization techniques.

They also discuss the reasons and the progress status of things that sometimes annoy PHPClasses site users, like the advertising placement and the redirection during registration and login in the site.

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129. JSClasses, JSMag, PHP Alpha 1, PHP strict typing, IndieConf - Lately in PHP podcast episode 4

Posted on: 2010-08-30

On this episode of the Lately in PHP podcast, Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert interview Michael Kimsal from the WebDev publishing company.

They talked about JSClasses, the just launched PHPClasses brother site for JavaScript components.

They also commented on the OpenID based single sign-on system that was implemented to reuse PHPClasses accounts on the JSClasses site to avoid making current PHPClasses users to creating new accounts on the JSClasses site.

It was also discussed about the latest developments for the eventual PHP 5.4 Alpha 1 version, such as the support type hinting of scalar arguments versus strict typing.

Also covered are some initiatives of Michael's company, the JSMag JavaScript magazine (promotion coupon included) and IndieConf, a conference for independent Web professionals.

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128. JSClasses - a new repository of JavaScript components

Posted on: 2010-08-27

The JSClasses site was finally launched. It is based on the PHPClasses site but with the focus of redistributing Object Oriented Programming components written in JavaScript.

This is a brief note about that site with a reference to the actual site launch post.

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126. PHP for Android, PHP 6 canceled, APC in PHP 5.4 - Lately in PHP podcast episode 3

Posted on: 2010-07-26

On this episode of the Lately in PHP podcast, Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert comment on the launch of the PHP for Android project and the consequences for the PHP market.

They also talk about the cancellation of PHP 6 and the inclusion of features planned for PHP 6 in PHP 5.4, like the integration of the APC cache extension in the main PHP distribution bundle.

Some of the most interesting classes nominated for the May edition of the PHP Programming Innovation Award are commented, like the PDF text extract, PHP duplicate files finder, Fast Fourier Transform and splx_graph.

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125. Developing PHP applications to run natively on Android phones

Posted on: 2010-07-14

The PHP For Android project was just launched. This article presents an interview with the project's lead developer. He explained how it works and what you can do to develop PHP applications that can run now on any Android device.

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123. Podcast Lately in PHP 2 with Chris Cornutt of PHPDeveloper.org

Posted on: 2010-06-16

In this episode Chris Cornutt talks about his project sites PHPDeveloper.org PHP news site and Joind.in for promoting interaction between speakers and attendants of PHP conferences and other types of events.

A list of other worth listening podcasts for PHP developers was covered.

An interesting discussion was also held about the pros and cons of using Flex/Flash versus HTML 5/JavaScript in PHP Web applications.

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122. Podcast Lately in PHP - Episode 1

Posted on: 2010-05-13

This is the inaugural episode of the Lately in PHP podcast hosted by Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert. It covers some of the latest happenings in the PHP world.

This episode covers the top active PHP user groups, interview with Guilherme Blanco of the Doctrine project, finding and posting great PHP jobs, Yahoo Hack Day event, the Yahoo Query Language, Google Developer Day event, the winners of the PHP Programming Innovation Award edition of March 2010, the article about PHP developers switching from Internet Explorer and Firefox to Google Chrome, and the plans for Firefox 4.

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121. PHP Developers are switching to Google Chrome

Posted on: 2010-05-06

Many PHP developers are switching to Google Chrome as their main work Web browser. Chrome has been gaining significant share at the expense of equal loss of share from Internet Explorer and Firefox.

This article provides more detail about this move, its motivations, gains and losses of functionality for those that have switched browsers.

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