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database crud for each table: Package to analyze each table and create pdo crud for each

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database crud for each table


by John Gould - 3 days ago (2017-10-21)

Package to analyze each table and create pdo crud for each

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Package to analyze each table and create pdo crud for each

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. by Dave Smith - 21 hours ago (2017-10-23) Reply

    If I understand what you are looking for correctly, it can't be done. You are not able to perform most crud operations based solely on analyzing a schema.

    You can have a method to create a record as long as there are firm rules where the data can be found. Since you would already have to know the schema to make the data available, a scan of the schema is redundant.

    You can retrieve all columns with the * wildcard, so the schema is not needed. You also would not be able to relate tables based solely on an analysis of the tables.

    Updating has the same issues as creating with the additional problem that an analysis of the table will not be any help with determining what records are updated in the WHERE clause.

    Deleting a record has the problem with the WHERE clause as well.

    Ask clarification

    1 Recommendation

    MySQL Class Generator: Generate classes to access MySQL as objects

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    by John Gould Reputation 0 - 21 hours ago (2017-10-23) Comment

    found it. Take a look at this class

    Recommend package