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Develop PHP mvc Framework From Scratch: I need help developing complete PHP mvc framework.

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Develop PHP mvc Framework From Scratch


by ehos olivia - 23 hours ago (2017-08-17)

I need help developing complete PHP mvc framework.

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Problem: I want to develop PHP MVC framework of my own, but don't know how to go about it. I want a PHP framework built from scratch WITHOUT the use of popular frameworks like Yii, Symfony,Laravel etc Also, a small mini-project on implementing the PHP MVC framework would deeply and deeply be appreciated.

Requirements: Make use of PDO for Mysql URL Redirecting working well Controller, Model, View(templates) AJAX, JQUERY request and send function etc

Please I will be glad if you could help, Please!

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2 Recommendations

PHP SQLite3: Sample connection and query SQLite databases

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by James Crawford Reputation 50 - 22 hours ago (2017-08-17) Comment

I am using the link above to 'validate'

I developed a simple CMS a few years ago, it wasnt complex or expanadble, but I wrote it in a way that if you wanted to you could, I still have many notes on this and they still fit todays technologies, however it would mean updating some of the code, are you looking for people to HELP you build the CMS or are you looking for 3rd party libraries to build the CMS? either way I can help by providing notes on what I did and why, hoipefully this will give you a firm basis to progress further. you can get in touch via twitter using jimmyboro, I can then send you contact details.

All the best and good luck with your project

Burge CMF: Framework to publish managed content

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by Burge Lab package author package author Reputation 235 - 23 hours ago (2017-08-17) Comment

A content management framework based on CodeIgniter

Recommend package