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verify email if it fake or real: i wanna verify email if it fake or real

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verify email if it fake or real


by Medoz Fawzy - Yesterday (2017-08-16)

i wanna verify email if it fake or real

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verify email if it fake or real on demand

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1 Recommendation

PHP EMail Check: Validate email addresses using DNS or find typos

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse Reputation 3440 - 22 hours ago (2017-08-17) Comment

hi.i think you could used a system to simply check the email validity first and then send a validation mail with code that has an expiration time to forced user to give a valid email.For the first validation,you can use the class package above...But for the second step you can look at this another package to know how to simply make a basic sytem of mail validation with ajax:

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