PHP Classes

Reading changed check boxes: Need to read changes in check boxes

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Reading changed check boxes


by Lalo Celi - 1 month ago (2017-07-06)

Need to read changes in check boxes

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The page has: 1. A drop-down (Countries) Based on that drop-down value I call an Ajax PHP file to get the cities in that country (just a few). 2. The rest is a list of the cities (one-to-many) that have a "status" and the check-boxes are used to activate or deactivate a city. There is only a few cities that are of importance to the users, and any can be taken out at any time they need to (deactivate), or activate if need be.

The user can go through the list and activate/deactivate all he/she needs to change status on, then they save at the end.

THE PROBLEM: I don't know how to read the changes when the user hits the "Save" button. I have thought of another Ajax file to compare the current state of the check-box versus what is in the database, but if there is a better way to do it, can someone please let me know?

Thank you very much

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse - 15 hours ago (2017-08-12) Reply

    hi, sorry for answering a little late. The best way to do is to check the status before display the forms. So what you just need to do after is to use checked attribut on <input>.If user has already checked it once you display a checked box. So if user changes something when he will send the form you handle it normally as if it is a new form...

    Ask clarification

    1 Recommendation

    PHP Forms Class with HTML Generator and JavaScript Validation: HTML forms generation and validation.

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse Reputation 3090 - 15 hours ago (2017-08-12) Comment

    study this package to know how to handle checked boxes...

    Recommend package