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Secure login on Web site and database: My site has been hacked many times

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Secure login on Web site and database


by Chrisanthi Karademirtzoglou - 2 days ago (2017-05-16)

My site has been hacked many times

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My site has been hacked many times from diferent IPs and I would like a more secure login form in backend and frontend. I am still working on this site that is under construction and I will feel more safe if I can use a secure login solution.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Secure Login and Registration: Register and login users in a database with PDO

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by Manuel Lemos Reputation 17120 - 2 hours ago (2017-05-18) Comment

This package can be used precisely for that, provide a secure registration and login system with records stored in a database.

Recommend package