PHP Classes

MySQL table editor: Need to be able to create an interface to edit the table data

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MySQL table editor


Picture of Herovic Daniel by Herovic Daniel - 1 year ago (2014-10-27)

Need to be able to create an interface to edit the table data

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I need to be able to create an interface to edit the table data based on the column type (input, textarea, file input).

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1 Recommendation

PHP Mass Database Update: Update all MySQL database table records

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of amani by amani package author package author Reputation 65 - 1 year ago (2014-10-28) Comment

This class can update all MySQL database table records.

It can retrieve the list of tables of a given MySQL database and generate a HTML form to let the user choose the tables and fields he wants to update.

The class takes the submitted form values and executes a SQL UPDATE query to change the table field specified by the user.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2014-10-28) Reply

    It would be better if you could explain why that class is recommended, telling how it can solve the user problem, more than just copying the package description, which the user can also read in the package page.

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