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Store PDF as binary in Database and read it as PDF or HTML: I want to convert PDF file in Binery

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Store PDF as binary in Database and read it as PDF or HTML


by muabshir - 9 months ago (2017-03-13)

I want to convert PDF file in Binery

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I want to STORE PDF in database as binary and called it as PDF or Word or HTML formate

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. by Dave Smith - 7 months ago (2017-04-30) Reply

    pdf is already binary. You can use file_get_contents() to read the file into a variable and then save that in the database as a BLOB (binary large object).

    To display it in the browser, you just need to send the appropriate content headers before you echo the data.

    Ask clarification

    1 Recommendation

    Handle Binary Files With PDO: Save and load binary files in databases using PDO

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse package author package author Reputation 4565 - 21 hours ago (2017-12-21) Comment

    you can try this...

    Recommend package