PHP Classes

quarter wise, dates,: Braking the dates in quaters and calculating the number of days

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quarter wise, dates,


by muabshir - 6 months ago (2017-01-17)

Braking the dates in quaters and calculating the number of days

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Start Date--------End Date ------- Loc 2007-06-15--------2009-01-16-------0283 2009-01-16--------2012-01-27-------0306 2012-01-27--------2013-01-01-------0319 2013-01-01--------2013-01-23-------0319 2013-01-23--------2014-12-24-------0736 2014-12-24--------2016-03-11-------0302 2016-03-11--------2016-06-01-------0304 2016-06-01--------2016-11-11-------0304 2016-11-11--------2016-12-31-------5165

I want a class or function which can analyze the above array and brake the data in quarters and return the Loc id against each quarter of the year e.g I use only 2016 data

2016-03-11--------2016-06-01-------0304 2016-06-01--------2016-11-11-------0304 2016-11-11--------2016-12-31-------5165

in this case Q1 of 2016 is missing so the start date of Q1 will be consider 2016-01-01 and loc is 302 from the above array the selection of Loc is based on max number of days spend by the person

Q2 from Apr to Jun Loc ------304 Q3 from Jul to Sep Loc ------304 Q4 from Oct to Dec Loc ------304

looking forward the prompt and quick response from the members

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1 Recommendation

PHP handy date time handler: Compute dates and times of recurring events

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse package author package author Reputation 1735 - 2 days ago (2017-07-16) Comment

you can use the different methods of this class to handle date difference or event recurrence each quarter but for what you call loc we need more clarification to adapt our different class or suggest anything else...

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