PHP Classes

What is the best PHP php7 oauth http client class?: oAuth class which requires http client in PHP 7

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What is the best PHP php7 oauth http client class?


by Darrell Hobbs - 7 hours ago (2017-01-09)

oAuth class which requires http client in PHP 7

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I need a oAuth class which requires http client in PHP 7.

My ISP has forced us to PHP 7 thus destroying all my hard work in PHP 5. Are there in oAuth classes available in PHP 7?

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1 Recommendation

PHP OAuth Library with Tutorial Example Clients for Any API using OAuth1 and OAuth2: Authorize and access APIs using OAuth

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 16455 - 5 hours ago (2017-01-09) Comment

This package works with PHP 7. If you have issues, post in the support forum, as it may be a PHP configuration issue.

Recommend package