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Display calendar of events from MySQL using PDO: I want to display a calendar with the events from a database

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Display calendar of events from MySQL using PDO

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

by Richard - 2 years ago (2014-11-24)

I want to display a calendar with the events from a database

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


I have tried several different classes from this site, but for one reason or the other they do not work.

The class that I need must use PDO for the latest MySQL to work properly with the rest of my site.

The Calendar class will be in a side panel on most pages. I am using PHP 5.5.12 MySQL 5.6.17 and Apache 2.5.9.

  • 3 Clarification requests
  • 3. by Jacob Fogg - 1 year ago (2014-12-09) Reply

    Can you give more details as to what look you want to give the calendar? Are you talking about a month calendar, week calendar, agenda calendar? I could easily wire it into something like this:

    Also, how are you storing your events? A more universal solution would be for the class to accept a PDO object containing events that follow a naming convention.

    Finally, is this an issue of trying to figure out why existing classes aren't working, or does a new class make more sense?

    • 2. by Everton da Rosa - 1 year ago (2014-12-05) Reply

      You want a class to create the calendar or to fetch data in a MySQL database?

      • 1. by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2014-12-02) Reply

        Yes, there are many classes that can retrieve events from a MySQL database, but none seems to use PDO or even MySQLi.

        Ask clarification

        1 Recommendation

        HB PHP Events Calendar: Display HTML calendars with events from a database

        This recommendation solves the problem.
        This recommendation does not solve the problem.


        by Haseeb Basil package author package author Reputation 310 - Yesterday (2016-11-26) Comment


        This package uses PDO to get events data from DB, also it uses fullcalendar jQuery calendar to display the events.

        Recommend package