PHP Classes

Value of latitude and longitude: Value of latitude and longitude than can help me to

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Value of latitude and longitude


Picture of ms by ms - 2 days ago (2016-07-04)

Value of latitude and longitude than can help me to

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please give me an example in php script that can view latitude and longitude when we click my location ..and we can save to a DataBase TQ

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1 Recommendation

Salat Reminder: Generate a feed with the Salat times of a location

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Karl Holz by Karl Holz package author package author Reputation 110 - 6 hours ago (2016-07-07) Comment

I use a class call 'ip2location_lite' in my SalatReminder Class, it will return the longitude and latitude values that you're looking for plus some other information based on the ip address or hostname you provide. take a look at the 'salatcast.class.php' file in the '__construct()' function to see how I used the class in 'ip2locationlite.class.php'.

You should check out their site; there is a link to IP2Location on the main page of PHPclasses in the innovation award prizes section; then on that page look at the Free Database section near the bottom of the page.

Hopefully this will help you out.

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