PHP Classes

Minimum dimensions of shipping box: Identify smallest possible dimensions of a box used for shipping

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Minimum dimensions of shipping box

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Picture of Paul Birkhead by Paul Birkhead - 11 hours ago (2016-04-14)

Identify smallest possible dimensions of a box used for shipping

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eCommerce shopping carts contain items that are being purchased. These items have weights and dimensions.

Parcel shipping charges are often determined by the dimensions of the box used to ship the purchased products. The smaller the box, the less the charges.

I would like to be able to feed the dimensions of each item in the cart to a PHP class, and have returned to me the length, width and height of the smallest box I could use to ship the order.

The dimensions input should allow for fractional values. For example, 6.25 inches.

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1 Recommendation

Bin packing: Implementation of one dimensional bin packing

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 13255 - 7 hours ago (2016-04-15) Comment

There is this class that solves that problem but just for one dimension. For items with three dimensions I guess you need to adapt this solution considering that you can arrange the items in different ways. It is not a trivial problem but you may want to ask the author it ins support forum if he can help solving the problem for 3 dimensions.

There is also this class that can solve the problem but assuming all items have the same sizes and you are fitting in containers of standard sizes. Maybe you can adapt this solution for your case if your items all have the same sizes.

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