PHP Classes

What is the best PHP check system date class?: Check system date if is correct

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What is the best PHP check system date class?


Picture of Azriel Gerald by Azriel Gerald - 20 hours ago (2016-04-08)

Check system date if is correct

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I would like to run code to alert if computer time or date is not correct.

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1 Recommendation

World Time Class for PHP 5: Retrieve the current time from a NTP server

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 12995 - 8 hours ago (2016-04-09) Comment

If you want to check if the server time is correct, you need to retrieve the correct time from a NTP server using a class like this one.

If you want check if the computer of the user running the browser is correct, you need to serve some JavaScript code on a page that gets the current date and time and redirect to a page on your server that compares the current time with the time sent by the browser.

Recommend package