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Tree structure left right node get: Tree structure left right node

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Tree structure left right node get


Picture of prabha by prabha - 10 days ago (2016-02-04)

Tree structure left right node

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I need category insert with parent id, left node, right node. I already have the parent id, but I can't get the left right node dynamically.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 7 days ago (2016-02-06) Reply

    You would have a category id, left node parent and right node parent. Suppose your parent category has an id of 100, the left child would relate to it with a left node parent of 100 and the right child would have a right node parent of 100. You would have 2 unique keys containing category id -> left node parent and category id -> right node parent. You would not have a parent id field since that creates a one to many relationship and you are looking for a one to one for each left and right node.

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