PHP Classes

Print Barcode in my PDF invoice: Generate invoice in PDF with barcode to print on it

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Print Barcode in my PDF invoice


Picture of linganikhilkumar by linganikhilkumar - 1 month ago (2015-12-30)

Generate invoice in PDF with barcode to print on it

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My site is a small e-commerce store. I am generating invoices manually when an order is generated using dompdf class, and also managed to print barcode on it, but the barcode is not getting scanned.

So I need some help for that. Otherwise please suggest a working class that I can use.

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1 Recommendation

Barcode PHP: Generate barcode in GD and PDF

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 1 month ago (2016-01-01) Comment

This class can generate barcode graphics either as images or PDF documents.

If you already have invoices in PDF, you may try to use the images and insert in the invoice document.

Recommend package