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Nota Fiscal Eletrônica: Nota Fiscal Eletrônica 3.1

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Nota Fiscal Eletrônica

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of Vicente Paulo Maciel by Vicente Paulo Maciel - 1 month ago (2015-12-26)

Nota Fiscal Eletrônica 3.1

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


Procuro classes para gerar a Nota Fiscal Eletrônica versão 3.1.

  • 3 Clarification requests
  • 3. Picture of Osmar Malheiros by Osmar Malheiros - 1 month ago (2015-12-29) Reply

    He is writing in Portuguese. "Nota Fiscal Eletrônica" is like a eletronic invoice, but only here in Brazil.

    • 2. Picture of Samuel Adeshina by Samuel Adeshina - 1 month ago (2015-12-29) Reply

      According to google translate, this is what Vicente wants "in english": I look for classes to generate the Electronic Invoice version 3.1.

      Ok,So whats an "Electronic Invoice version 3.1" or more specifically, "O que é uma versão de nota fiscal eletrônica 3.1"

      • 1. Picture of Vivek moyal by Vivek moyal - 1 month ago (2015-12-28) Reply

        Can you write it in English so that everyone can understand

        Ask clarification

        Recommend package