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Using PHP 7 Insert image in the MySQL database and display: Insert image in a MySQL database

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Using PHP 7 Insert image in the MySQL database and display

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Picture of Vicente Paulo Maciel by Vicente Paulo Maciel - 1 month ago (2015-12-26)

Insert image in a MySQL database

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I want to use PHP 7 and insert an image in a MySQL database, as well and display image in the browser.

  • 3 Clarification requests
  • 3. Picture of Arash. Ataei by Arash. Ataei - 25 days ago (2016-01-20) Reply

    you can use blob data entry in mysql, and after that, using connection claass with an INSERT (<code>insert into ?table.?db () values() </code>).

    • 2. Picture of Arash. Ataei by Arash. Ataei - 25 days ago (2016-01-20) Reply


      • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 26 days ago (2016-01-19) Reply

        There are several classes for inserting images in databases but they use the old MySQL extension.

        What you may do is to use one of those classes and then use Dave Smith MySQL to MySQLi wrapper class, so mysql calls are mapped to mysqli calls.

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