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Import mailing list design: Import different formatted Excel list, personalize each mail

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Import mailing list design


Picture of Hartmut Rothgänger by Hartmut Rothgänger - 1 year ago (2014-11-11)

Import different formatted Excel list, personalize each mail

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I have to import addresses from Excel, with the tables in variable in formats, design a newsletter with a few pictures.

Send personalized newsletter with the possibility to unsubscribe from the list.

Manage easily more than one mailing list for different purposes.

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1 Recommendation

MIME E-mail message sending: PHP mailer to compose and send MIME messages

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 11100 - 1 year ago (2014-11-11) Comment

It seems you need multiple packages for different parts of your problem.

There are plenty of classes importing data from Excel spreadsheets, send messages to mailing lists, deal with ubsubscribe requests, etc..

Maybe you should submit a separate package request for each part of your problem.

For sending messages to many subscribers, you can use this package that is optimized for that purpose.

You can also read this article about that package on sending email to many recipients.

Recommend package