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What is the best PHP notifications class?: Facebook like notifications

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What is the best PHP notifications class?


Picture of Vladimir Florian by Vladimir Florian - 3 months ago (2015-10-29)

Facebook like notifications

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I need to implement Facebook like notifications in my application.

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1 Recommendation

Xaja Notifier: Notify user browsing a site in real time with AJAX

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 3 months ago (2015-11-05) Comment

This package can send messages to users browsing a site and display them immediately even if the user does not load a new page.

The presentation of the messages implemented by the example scripts may not look exactly like Facebook but it sure can be customized altering the example scripts.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Ettore Moretti by Ettore Moretti package author package author - 3 months ago (2015-11-05) Reply

    As already mentioned by Manuel, you'll find examples have focused on implementation of an algorithm that allows the communication of messages to users browsing the site. But the algorithm behind (both side js that php) can be easily customized to your needs.

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