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Synchronize local database to server: Database Synchronization Problem

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Synchronize local database to server


Picture of harsh by harsh - 4 months ago (2015-10-12)

Database Synchronization Problem

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I have a database synchronization problem. I need to synchronize a database in a local machine to the server using timestamps. I can insert data into the server but then I can't synchronize.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 3 months ago (2015-10-31) Reply

    Are you already using a class from here to manage the synchronization and just having trouble with timestamp differences between the localhost had server? If so, you should post to the packages support forum.

    Or are you looking for a class that can manage the synchronization?

    Or are you looking for a class that can manage timestamps?


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