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Large file upload handler: Looking for class that will handle large file uploads

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Large file upload handler


Picture of Keith Wallis by Keith Wallis - 5 months ago (2015-09-16)

Looking for class that will handle large file uploads

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Looking for class that will handle large file uploads including giving information to the user as it progresses.

Ideally something that can also handle lost packets, dropped connections and is production ready.

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2 Recommendations

PHP 5.4 Session Upload Progress Bar: Track the progress of file uploads using sessions

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Johnny Mast by Johnny Mast Reputation 60 - 4 days ago (2016-02-10) Comment

In php 5.4 and after upload progress is build into php. I am thinking about doing a blogpost + video about this here on

Forms generation and validation: HTML forms generation and validation.

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 11100 - 4 months ago (2015-09-21) Comment

This forms generation class comes with a plug-in that can show the progress of file uploads. It relies on a PHP extension named uploadprogress. If you can install it in your server environment it works well. Here is an article explaining a bit how PHP upload progress works.

If you cannot install this extension in your environment, you may be able to deal with upload progress on the browser side in JavaScript.

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