PHP Classes

What is the best PHP request routing class?: I want to route my PHP HTML templates for easy navigation

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What is the best PHP request routing class?


Picture of Kennedy Kinyua Waithaka by Kennedy Kinyua Waithaka - 5 months ago (2015-09-14)

I want to route my PHP HTML templates for easy navigation

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I have been working with Node's server framework Express and I want to a find similar application of routing in PHP.

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1 Recommendation

PHP API Server: Route requests to API calls to handler classes

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 4 months ago (2015-09-21) Comment

There is this request router class that lets you handle requests with your own classes depending on the URL path.

I am not sure how similar it can be with the Express framework because I do not use it.

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