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Best Package to Address SQL Injection Vulnerabilities: Upgrading security of existing MySQL code

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Best Package to Address SQL Injection Vulnerabilities


Picture of E. Anderson by E. Anderson - 5 months ago (2015-08-28)

Upgrading security of existing MySQL code

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Looking for easiest most direct method to upgrade MySQL 5.5 code throughout application that has several 100 MySQL queries. Glad to upgrade to 5.6 if advised. Thanks very much.

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1 Recommendation

Extended MySQLi: MySQL database access wrapper using MySQLi

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 5 months ago (2015-08-31) Comment

If you have SQL injection vulnerabilities in your code, there is no class that can remove them.

The matter is on the way you compose your SQL queries. If you just concatenate values for text literal values in your query, for instance submitted by the user via forms, and do not escape them properly, your application is vulnerable.

You need either to escape your literal values coming from insecure sources ($_POST, $_GET, etc..) or you can use prepared queries to tell the database what types of values are expected.

When you use prepared queries, if you pass a value of incorrect type, it will result in an error but your application will not be vulnerable.

This class is a wrapper around the MySQLi extension that makes it easier to execute prepared queries with parameter values.

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