PHP Classes

Form Listview with dependent field: I need to create a form using dependent listboxes

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Form Listview with dependent field


Picture of Michael Krötlinger by Michael Krötlinger - 5 months ago (2015-08-22)

I need to create a form using dependent listboxes

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The content of listboxes is dependent on the item the user chose previously.

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1 Recommendation

Forms generation and validation: HTML forms generation and validation.

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 11100 - 5 months ago (2015-08-22) Comment

This general purpose forms class comes with a plugin named linked select that lets you define select list boxes with groups of values that are switched depending on the value of the previous list box.

You can chain as many list boxes as you want or even start with a different type of input like a text box.

Here is an example of linked select form script.

There are also variants of this plugin that take the options dynamically from databases. Take a look at the test_mysql_linked_select.php or the test_metabase_linked_select.php example scripts.

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