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What is the best PHP gantt chart class?: Web based Gantt charts

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What is the best PHP gantt chart class?


Picture of Guenter Weber by Guenter Weber - 6 months ago (2015-08-07)

Web based Gantt charts

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I am looking for a simple solution to create Gantt charts.

We do the assembling of technical products when ordered.

For example: we are getting an inquiry or order to produce 20K units in a certain time period. Usually the final date is known.

The problem for us is to hire enough people to produce everything in time.

As there a some parallel productions, we would need a simple tool to get a fast and clear overview.

We have some knowledge in PHP programming but we are not experts.

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1 Recommendation

Gantt Chart Class: Generate project progress Gantt charts

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 6 months ago (2015-08-07) Comment

This class can generate Gantt charts for you and output them as pictures that you can display on a Web page.

Actually, it can do more because it can show the progress of each task in your schedule when your process is already running.

Recommend package