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Manage MySQL user accounts: I need to create and delete MySQL users

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Manage MySQL user accounts

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of Hans Onvlee by Hans Onvlee - 1 year ago (2014-10-24)

I need to create and delete MySQL users

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


How can manage MySQL user accounts?

  • 7 Clarification requests
  • 7. Picture of Garefild by Garefild - 1 year ago (2014-11-16) Reply

    I've previously build this class. I made some changes and adapting the class for global use.

    The class manages almost perfect (I still could not do it all in one class)

    Using the same class for use in orm.

    For example:

    $ users -> administrator -> setPassword ('123') -> setHost ('') -> setPrivileges ('CREATE, DROP', 'db', 'members');

    Creating a user called administrator with a password 123 sits on host address with the privileges to database named db and a table named memebrs and privileges are CREATE, DROP

    Which to do it anyway

    $ users -> administrator ('password', '') -> setPrivileges ('CREATE, DROP', 'db', 'members');

    And there are more options such as deleting, etc ..

    It will take a bit until they approve my class ..

    • 6. Picture of Roberto Aleman by Roberto Aleman - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) Reply

      I think the requirement is to create , edit and delete users and manage asignandos permits to operate on the database , but there are powerful scripts that do, most of the time you need to enter something like phpmyadmin for these operations and we are limited , having this option directly from the backend of our website or app , it would be very important.

      • 5. Picture of Stefan Jibrail Froelich by Stefan Jibrail Froelich - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) Reply

        If he can clarify, creating one will be really easy. I guess I could do it in a few hours.

      • 5. Picture of Stefan Jibrail Froelich by Stefan Jibrail Froelich - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) Reply

        If he can clarify, creating one will be really easy. I guess I could do it in a few hours.

        • 5. Picture of Stefan Jibrail Froelich by Stefan Jibrail Froelich - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) Reply

          If he can clarify, creating one will be really easy. I guess I could do it in a few hours.

        • 5. Picture of Stefan Jibrail Froelich by Stefan Jibrail Froelich - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) Reply

          If he can clarify, creating one will be really easy. I guess I could do it in a few hours.

          • 3. Picture of Subramanian by Subramanian - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) Reply

            There is already a phpmyadmin generic package freely available. It has (file:server_privileges.php) to list all users in server with their privileges and other information (if you are a superuser). If you need any additional feature it can be modified easily to suit.

            • 4. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) in reply to comment 3 by Subramanian Comment

              I think he wants a separate class to manage MySQL accounts without relying on phpmyadmin, so he can do it programmatically from his scripts.

              It is probably not hard to create a separate class for that. Actually I wonder why nobody created one.

          • 2. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2014-10-30) Reply

            If you mean a package for listing, adding, removing, and editing users of a MySQL server by accessing the mysql database, I do not think there is such class. That could be an interesting idea for an innovative package.

            • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2014-10-27) Reply

              Do you mean users of the MySQL server, or do you mean users of your application with records on a MySQL database table?

              Ask clarification

              1 Recommendation

              PHP MySQL User Management: List, add, modify and remove MySQL server accounts

              This recommendation solves the problem.
              This recommendation does not solve the problem.


              Picture of Maik Greubel by Maik Greubel package author package author Reputation 110 - 1 year ago (2014-11-02) Comment


              what about this class? Do you need more features or an improved example? Please let me know.

              Recommend package