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Job application form: Single form to be feed by applicant for the job

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Job application form


Picture of Khan Asif Ahmed by Khan Asif Ahmed - 6 months ago (2015-07-28)

Single form to be feed by applicant for the job

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


In need a single form to be feed by an applicant for the job like application for the post of:

  • applicant pics
  • full name (surname, middle name, last name)
  • address (permanent, correspondence)
  • mobile
  • email
  • gender
  • date of birth
  • age as on calculated
  • place of birth
  • caste category (sc, st, vj, nt, sbc, open)
  • handicapped
  • mother tongue
  • languages known (read, write, can speak fluently),
  • qualifications details (name of board/university, diploma, degree, year of passing, no of attempts, subject of specilizations),
  • experience (name of employer, post held or designation, period from to, pay scale total, reason of leaving),
  • special experience if any
  • computer knowledge
  • training
  • details of DD enclosed (name of bank and place, DD no, date, amount),
  • reference (name, position, address with tele no.),
  • marital status (married: no. of children, no. of dependents),
  • any other information,
  • declarations paragaraph,
  • date,
  • place,
  • upload pdf files for certificates, degree etc. at 3, max 6,

Accept all information and store it into db, and allow user to print this form directly to printer.

Ask clarification

1 Recommendation

Forms generation and validation: HTML forms generation and validation.

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 11100 - 6 months ago (2015-07-29) Comment

This request seems very specific for your needs.

I think you can create a custom solution using a general purpose forms generation and validation class like this.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Khan Asif Ahmed by Khan Asif Ahmed - 6 months ago (2015-07-29) Reply

    thanx i ll try and let u know

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