PHP Classes

What is the best PHP class to write an Excel file?: Writing collected data to native excel file

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What is the best PHP class to write an Excel file?


Picture of Ed Manheim by Ed Manheim - 1 year ago (2014-11-05)

Writing collected data to native excel file

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


I am using the PHP Excel Creator by PIZZASEO (c) 2006.

This implementation is using too many deprecated PHP 5.3 functions.

Is there a more recent implementation?

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1 Recommendation

Basic Excel: Import and export Excel files to XLS, XLSX and CSV

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 1 year ago (2014-11-07) Comment

This class can do more than writing Excel files, it can also convert between different formats.

It writes to Excel XML formal also known as XLSX, so it is sort of the native Excel format being used nowadays.

The examples and documentation are very simple and clear.

Recommend package