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What is the best PHP ip to latitude longitude class?: Given IP address return latitude longitude

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What is the best PHP ip to latitude longitude class?


Picture of Vitor Rodrigues by Vitor Rodrigues - 8 months ago (2015-05-24)

Given IP address return latitude longitude

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I need a class that for a given IP it will return the latitude and longitude coordinates, the region, the city, the country, the county, etc..

Some one already create a class like this but it doesn't work. I am the second person complain that the class doesn't work the first was some one call Joe.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 8 months ago (2015-05-24) Reply

    After re-reading the request, you are actually looking for a geo locator and not a geocoder. For a geo locator, I would look at this one...


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    2 Recommendations

    IP2Location PHP Module: Get geographical details of an IP with IP2Location

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 8 months ago (2015-05-28) Comment

    The problem of those packages that stop working is that they rely on Web services that are no longer available.

    An alternative solution is to use a package that can use a IP database file, so you can download and use locally.

    This class implements that approach using a free IP2Location database. You will need to download it the database file now and probably later periodically, so you can use an updated IP database.

    Simple GMap API: Display maps and get location with Google Maps API

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith Reputation 5955 - 8 months ago (2015-05-24) Comment

    There are a lot of geocoders available using google API's, however google changes their API's frequently. The latest version is V3 and any classes uses older versions will not work.

    I would try this one first. While it mainly is for displaying mapped locations, it uses V3 and has a geocoder that you can use to get the additional information you are after.


    • 1 Comment
    • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 8 months ago (2015-05-28) Reply

      Yes, Dave, as you realized that was not really what was asked.

    Recommend package