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Complete Web application for patient billing: Web application for billing

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Complete Web application for patient billing

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of Mohammad hasan by Mohammad hasan - 8 months ago (2015-05-22)

Web application for billing

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I need a PHP project for a complete Web application for patient billing of diagnostic center that will have following features:

  1. Billing Invoice for patient medical treatment
  2. Patient record
  3. Doctor record
  4. Staff record
  5. Profit balance accounting
  • 6 Clarification requests
  • 6. Picture of Frederik Yssing by Frederik Yssing - 8 months ago (2015-05-30) Reply

    That is something you would normally have to pay for, it is very specific and also it would be used diretly for commercial purposes. You can always ask for an offer for such a specific task, but I bet it won't be free. I can tell you, that if you wanted something like that developed by say some one like me, you would be looking at atleast $100k, might be less might very likely be more.

    • 5. Picture of Rafael Espinosa by Rafael Espinosa - 8 months ago (2015-05-29) Reply

      You need a full stack application, there is some standards and protocols for medical records, and may be you would found some packages related (check openEHR), but my be you can pass through it... your application need some specific requirements, i.e. I'm developing a similar system for my wife but she is psychologist and clinical records for psychiatry and psychology is different to others. First you need choose technology and framework and database technology, then start coding... I'm free for hiring right now, if you wants contact me through

      • 4. Picture of Ziyahan Albeniz by Ziyahan Albeniz - 8 months ago (2015-05-29) Reply

        Selam; I am really interested in the project like this. I think I will make customize my generic project to your project in short time with all specs which you want. For a glance : If you want, please contact me through my

        • 3. Picture of Gerry Danen by Gerry Danen - 8 months ago (2015-05-28) Reply

          There are developers for hire on this site. That may be your best bet.

          • 2. Picture of Ghali Ahmed by Ghali Ahmed - 8 months ago (2015-05-28) Reply

            Patient billing: This is a very custom need and i don't think you will found anything here except some database abstraction layer or some general crud maker. by something related to your subject i hope you find

            • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 8 months ago (2015-05-28) Reply

              I do not think there is a package here now that can do that, as packages tend to do more simpler.

              Maybe somebody can submit a more complete billing package that can do what you ask.

              Ask clarification

              Recommend package