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Best PDO class to use with MySQL: Need to connect to a MySql DB and perform all standard queries

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Best PDO class to use with MySQL


Picture of Luke Grenncastle by Luke Grenncastle - 1 year ago (2014-11-05)

Need to connect to a MySql DB and perform all standard queries

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I need a PDO class to run queries on a MySql database.

I need to be able to run all standard queries such as update, insert, delete, add, get last inserted records, number of rows, etc..

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1 Recommendation

PDO Multi Connection Class: Access different types of SQL database using PDO

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11930 - 1 year ago (2014-11-07) Comment

There are several MySQL PDO classes, some good ones.

This one has built-in support for setting the connection string for many types of databases including MySQL.

It supports executing queries with prepared parameters using the query_secure function.

The class can also execute common types of queries (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc..) from arrays of parameter values that define tables, fields, field values, conditions, etc..

The documentation file is actually a PHP script pdo_database.class_manual.php but it covers all the aspects of the class.

Recommend package