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Conect MSSQL Server: incompatible

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Conect MSSQL Server


Picture of Julio Moreno by Julio Moreno - 9 months ago (2015-05-12)


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This request is not clear or is not relevant.


no Conect SQL Server anyway

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2 Recommendations

Database Manager: Connect and query several databases using PDO

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Samuel Adeshina by Samuel Adeshina package author package author Reputation 775 - 9 months ago (2015-05-13) Comment

If you are already used to working with MySQL or some other DB systems and now need to work with MS SQL server in php without having to worry about learning anything, then this class was built for you. All you've got to do is supply the instance you want to connect to, your username and password in an ini file, then start writing queries and processing returned arrays as if you were working with your favorite MySQL or some other db systems.

database class: mSQL,MS SQL,MySQL,ODBC,Postgre,Sybase DB Layer

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith Reputation 5955 - 9 months ago (2015-05-13) Comment

User comments on this class state that it will connect to MS SQL if you want to give it a try.

Recommend package