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user authorization: user authorization process

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user authorization


Picture of Kanwal Naz by Kanwal Naz - 10 months ago (2015-04-01)

user authorization process

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I wish to learn the user authorization process with login attempts check, I have created a simple user login function that on successful login redirect to welcome page but this didn't restrict wrong submitted password. my code is as under: <?php

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$messageUser="You have been logged out successfully";


		<script type="text/javascript">


	$userName	= 	$_POST['username'];
	$uPassword	=	$_POST['password'];
	//$hashed    	= 	hash('sha512', $uPassword);

	$_SESSION['messageUser'] = "";

	$sql	=	"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username= '$userName' AND password= '$uPassword'";
	$res	=	mysql_query($sql) or die('1login'.mysql_error());
	if(@mysql_num_rows($res) > 0 ){
		$rows_users	=	mysql_fetch_assoc($res);			
		if($rows_users['ustatus'] == 1){		
				$_SESSION['myId'] 		= $rows_users['id'];	
				$_SESSION['myName'] 	= $rows_users['username'];
				$_SESSION['myPass'] 	= $rows_users['password'];
				$_SESSION['myType']		= $rows_users['utype']; 		
				$_SESSION['myCompany'] 	= $rows_users['com_id'];	
				$_SESSION['myBranch'] 	= $rows_users['br_id'];	
				$_SESSION['myStatus'] 	= $rows_users['ustatus'];
		elseif($rows_users['ustatus'] == 2)				
			$_SESSION['messageUser']="You are banned user";
			$_SESSION['messageUser']="you are not activated yet";
		$_SESSION['messageUser']="user  does not exists";


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1 Recommendation

MySQL Database Library: Access MySQL databases and manipulate files

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of JME Farm by JME Farm package author package author Reputation 140 - 7 months ago (2015-06-22) Comment

I have a few methods for dealing with users in my MySQL database class. I currently use the MySQL password() function on my passwords, though, so you might not want to use it if you are storing plain text.

Anyway, the authorize("user", "pass") method check to see if the given username & password exist in the users table of the database and if they are unique. If so, it returns an associative array of that user, but if not it returns false.

Hope that helps.

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