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php 5.4 Portal: I like to develoop a new Portal in php 5.4, 5.5, php 5.6 each

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php 5.4 Portal


Picture of Karl by Karl - 0 years ago (2015-02-17)

I like to develoop a new Portal in php 5.4, 5.5, php 5.6 each

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This Portal should have any language, several different Login Areas, a own small template engine, easy get new Features coded in classes (spl_autoload). Error handling and Error logs. Access to several database engines. Session Login System. Social media Login. Template should have any sizes of mobiles and Desktop.

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1 Recommendation

MicroPHP Framework: MVC framework for Web or command line applications

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Oleg Lunegov by Oleg Lunegov package author package author Reputation -5 - 11 months ago (2015-03-09) Comment

This package is a framework for implementing MVC based Web or command line PHP applications. There is a main class that takes some application configuration parameters and determines which application controller class is should load to dispatch the current Web request or command line script execution. The package provides base controller, view and model classes that should be extended by applications to handle the different types of requests and command line invocations specific to those applications. It also provides an extensive list of packages for all sorts of purposes like object-relational mapping database access, logging, user authentication, request data filtering and validation, widgets, wrappers for common functionality like mailing, HTTP and FTP requests, queueing, caching, thread management, etc..

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Karl by Karl - 6 months ago (2015-07-20) Reply

    A disadvantage is the only russian documentation and russian API, Forum in russian language. The next disadvantage is the only pdo, mysqli is requested.

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