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Read tab delimited text file and sort by columns: Need to sort by columun a tab delimited text file

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Read tab delimited text file and sort by columns


Picture of Michael Wassil by Michael Wassil - 1 year ago (2015-02-10)

Need to sort by columun a tab delimited text file

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I need to read a tab delimited text file, display it as a table sorted by columns

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1 Recommendation

MySQL Database Library: Access MySQL databases and manipulate files

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of JME Farm by JME Farm package author package author Reputation 140 - 7 months ago (2015-06-22) Comment

The read() method in my class will read a tab/comma delimited file into a matrix, doesn't have a built in sorting feature, though. The method defaults to csv, but if you change the $_csvdelim_ variable, or include the customer delimiter as the third parameter, you can read any type of delimited file. So for example, you would need these three lines:

include "DB.php"; $db = new DB(); print_r($db->read("delimited.txt", "csv", "\t"));

The second parameter must be "csv" so the method knows it's dealing with delimited text.

Hope that helps.

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