PHP Classes

What is the best PHP thumbnail generation class?: Create thumbnails of different sizes

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What is the best PHP thumbnail generation class?


Picture of zain by zain - 1 year ago (2015-01-31)

Create thumbnails of different sizes

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I need a class that creates thumbnails of different sizes with good quality.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Image Thumbail and Watermark: Create thumbnail images or with watermarks

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11370 - 8 hours ago (2016-02-15) Comment

This class can create thumbnail images with a given maximum target width and height. It will adjust the target size to avoid exceeding those limits.

It creates true color images to maximize the rescaled image quality.

It can also perform other operations like creating watermarks, cropping, etc. if you need them.

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