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How to select files using file date and compress files as zip?: Select files by date and compress files as zip

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How to select files using file date and compress files as zip?


Picture of chandra mohan by chandra mohan - 1 year ago (2015-01-08)

Select files by date and compress files as zip

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I would like to select files in a folder using the file date and then compress the files as zip files.

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1 Recommendation

Zip File: Create and extract ZIP archives in purely in PHP

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 1 year ago (2015-01-21) Comment

What you can do is to use the PHP opendir function to traverse the directory with the files that you want to access.

For each file you can use either the PHP functions filemtime or filectime to check if the file modification or creation time are in the range you want to select.

Then you can use this Zip file creation class to add the selected files to the Zip archive you want to create.

The Zip archive can be saved to a file or served for download immediately.

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