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What is the best PHP mysql report class?: Build a nice report

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What is the best PHP mysql report class?


Picture of Yiu 2015 by Yiu 2015 - 14 days ago (2022-12-17)

Build a nice report

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I want to build a nice report from MySQL queries.

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1 Recommendation

PHP MySQL Table Information: Creates a PDF report with a MySQL table structure

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Stefan Kientzler by Stefan Kientzler package author package author Reputation 310 - 14 days ago (2022-12-17) Comment

Even if the request 'build a nice report' is very general and subjective, I think that the following package can help. Otherwise, the request may should be formulated a little more specifically...

Using this package, you are able to generate a report containing all Inforations to a given MySQL database (including all Tables, Triggers, Stored procedures)

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Stefan Kientzler by Stefan Kientzler package author package author - 12 days ago (2022-12-18) Reply

    OK - so i think, the package


    could give you the ability to generate any report from the result of a SQL query.

    Just replace the following loop in the example

    for ($iRow = 1; $iRow <= 100; $iRow++) {

    with a construction like this:

    $res = $db->query("SELECT * FROM myTable"); while (($row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) != false) {

Recommend package