PHP Classes

What is the best PHP pdo mysql class?: PHP Project using PDO MySQL Class

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What is the best PHP pdo mysql class?


Picture of gautam by gautam - 1 month ago (2022-10-09)

PHP Project using PDO MySQL Class

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I want to create a PHP MySQL project and use a PDO connection class.

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2 Recommendations

B12 PHP FW: Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Slavko Srakocic by Slavko Srakocic package author package author Reputation 55 - 1 month ago (2022-10-10) Comment

External URLs are not allowed in recommendations, i will try to cheat it : Search web for "phporacle" to see newer code here : https: slavkoss fwphp tree master vendor b12php Db_allsites.php

Example to use Db_allsites.php (< 500 lines) is : ...tree master fwphp glomodul adrs (most simple) or blog example : ...tree master fwphp glomodul blog - seems complicated but is not.

Although it is not elaborated enough, it gives a clear idea of what, in my opinion, the use of the PHP crud framework should look like. (Framework is for me code skeleton, code snippets for copy, paste).

PHP PDO DB Connection Controller: Connect to a database configured using a subclass

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 22655 - 1 month ago (2022-10-09) Comment

PDO itself is already a class. Anyway, try this package if you want a course that helps you to configure the connection to a MySQL server.

Recommend package