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Microsoft Text to Speech PHP API program: Microsoft text to speech PHP API program

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Microsoft Text to Speech PHP API program


Picture of jie chen by jie chen - 1 month ago (2022-03-23)

Microsoft text to speech PHP API program

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I tried calling Microsoft Azure text-to-speech API using PHP but it failed

I need a Microsoft Text to-Speech PHP API call program sample to help me.

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1 Recommendation

PHP HTTP protocol client: HTTP client to access Web site pages

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 22250 - 1 month ago (2022-03-23) Comment

Hello Jie,

This PHP HTTP protocol client class can be used to send HTTP requests to that API.

Just follow the Microsoft Text to Speech API instructions for sending REST requests and pass the parameters to this class to send the correct HTTP request.

I developed this HTTP client class. Do you need help to configure that request?

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