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What is the best PHP email verification class?: Bulk Verify Email Lists

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What is the best PHP email verification class?


Picture of LeetHax by LeetHax - 7 days ago (2022-01-21)

Bulk Verify Email Lists

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I need to get an email verifier built in PHP using laravel.

It needs to be a bulk email verifier where you can upload .csv files, checking the email addresses in the "email" column to see if they exist, are spamtraps, catch-alls, disposable or burner addresses, invalid.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Email validation: Determine if a given e-mail address is valid.

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 22110 - 7 days ago (2022-01-21) Comment

I use this package for that purpose. It is not specific to Laravel. You would need to develop yourself the Laravel integration part or ask a developer with Laravel experience to do that part.

You also need to provide external CVS files with the lists with updated spam traps domains and other types of invalid domains.

That part of providing those lists of invalid domains would be better if you use an API maintained by a developer who updates their lists.

Would you be interested in using such an API if it existed?

Recommend package
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