What is the best PHP get dominant color from image class?: Extract and organize scanned images by dominant color

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What is the best PHP get dominant color from image class?

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Picture of candace diane arledge by candace diane arledge - 1 month ago (2021-07-15)

Extract and organize scanned images by dominant color

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I have a large number of images and need them sorted by color.

I have a huge file of images used for scrapbooking, and I need them to be sorted into individual folders for each primary color.

I need each file to be sorted into folders based on full-page (background) images or not.

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2 Recommendations

PHP Auto Style Fixer: Beautify PHP source code fixing its style

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of van Gato by van Gato Reputation 50 - 1 month ago (2021-07-16) Comment

But if you look for something very fast - take a look over here:

github / gaffling / PHP-Simple-Color-Thief

PHP Detect Image Background Color: Detect the dominant color used in an image

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 21110 - 1 month ago (2021-07-16) Comment

Hello Candace,

That is a good problem. It seems to have several parts.

For detecting the dominant color of an image, you may try this package above as it seems to do what you want.

Then, to sort the images by color, maybe you need a solution that considers that close colors may go in the same folder.

In that case, maybe some other colleague developer can recommend a different package or develop a new package for that problem.

Just reply here to let me know if this recommendation helped you.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Hassane Moussa by Hassane Moussa package author package author - 1 month ago (2021-07-16) Reply

    Hi Lemos, I can updating this package (PHP Detect Image Background Color) to add the solution of this problem. I just wait your agree ! Best regards, Hassane Moussa

Recommend package
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