What is the best PHP p7m class to sign a PDF document?: Digitally signing a PDF document

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What is the best PHP p7m class to sign a PDF document?

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Picture of luca lauretta by luca lauretta - 1 month ago (2021-03-01)

Digitally signing a PDF document

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I need a class for signing PDF documents using p7m format.

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1 Recommendation

MIME E-mail message sending: PHP mailer to compose and send MIME messages

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 20580 - 1 month ago (2021-03-03) Comment

This MIME e-mail message sending class can also be used to compose messages in MIME format. It can also return MIME messages to a string that can be saved to a file.

p7m is a MIME based format. This package currently is not able to sign messages using p7m format. Maybe you can improve it to add p7m support or maybe another colleague can provide another class that can do the signing part.

Recommend package
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