PHP Classes

Convert txt to array: i want to search data from txt and display in browser

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Convert txt to array


Picture of danidani by danidani - 1 year ago (2014-12-28)

i want to search data from txt and display in browser

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I want to search data in a text file and display the results as HTML through browser.

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1 Recommendation

Orion2: Convert files between CSV, SQL, XML, JSON formats

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Everton da Rosa by Everton da Rosa package author package author Reputation 120 - 1 year ago (2014-12-29) Comment

This class can convert files between CSV, SQL, XML, JSON formats.

It can parse a XML file with definitions of a conversion process that defines parameters like file formats to convert, field delimiters, database tables and fields, custom filter PHP code, etc..

The class parse a given input file and converts it to the target format according to the specified configurations.

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