What is the best PHP save pdf to folder class?: Want to save FPDF report in a folder on the server

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What is the best PHP save pdf to folder class?


Picture of Ankur Veera by Ankur Veera - 2 months ago (2020-12-17)

Want to save FPDF report in a folder on the server

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We have FPDF reports configured and wants to convert to a file and save it directly in a folder on the server. So please recommend me any package regarding to this.

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1 Recommendation

PHP PDF Table using FPDF: Generate PDF documents with tables displaying data

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 20550 - 2 months ago (2020-12-20) Comment

You may want to try this PDF generation class based on FPDF. It seems you may just need to configure the output file name.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Stefan Kientzler by Stefan Kientzler package author package author - 2 months ago (2020-12-20) Reply

    Just use the method

    FPDF::output('F', '<fullpath>');

    to save the generated report at any path of your choice, where <fullpath> is the full path and filename of the report (can be relative to the current working directory or ansolute on your server)

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