PHP Classes

What is the best PHP vehicle tracking system class?: Getting distance to calculate fuel used and cost from map

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What is the best PHP vehicle tracking system class?

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

by Ignatius Charewa - Yesterday (2020-03-24)

Getting distance to calculate fuel used and cost from map

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A company suffers from fuel misuse, reckless driving and unauthorized journeys.

The system must calculate fuel used, distance traveled, granted driver permission and time taken to cover a certain journey.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Vehicle Routing Problem: Compute routes of trucks delivering client orders

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by Manuel Lemos Reputation 18715 - 2 hours ago (2020-03-25) Comment

There is this class for finding routes that you may use to calculate distances but this is not a complete system as you seem to be looking for.

Recommend package