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generate unique id by 11 digi number: generate unique id

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generate unique id by 11 digi number


by Mohamed Riyas - 3 days ago (2018-02-08)

generate unique id

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I need to generate 11 digit unique id, need need duplicate. how can i generate?

  • 2 Clarification requests
  • 2. by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse - 3 days ago (2018-02-08) Reply

    with the first function you got 99999999999 unique ids and 1/99999999999 chance for each id to appear.I don't know anything about a viable way to achieve the goal of getting unique ids with only digit except if you use auto increment with left padding like in function 2 to always get the same length for your ids while keeping uniqueness...

    <?php function uniq_digit_id($max=11){//more max is low less you got uniqueness

    	$uniq_digit_id .=rand(0,9);

    return $uniq_digit_id;


    function uniq_digit_id2($max=11,$data='uniq_digit_id2.txt'){

    	$maxnumber .='9';
    		/*you must use only one file per counter otherwise the file will be formatted 
    		to restart counter according to $max arg */
    		if($id==$maxnumber) return false;/*if the max number with the length $max 
    		is reached the response will always be false; so be sure to test the value before use it*/
    		return $id;
    		return $id;
    	return $id;


    echo '<pre>'; var_dump(uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id()); var_dump(uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2()); echo '</pre>';

    • 1. by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse - 3 days ago (2018-02-08) Reply

      with the first function you got 99999999999 unique ids and 1/99999999999 chance for each id to appear.I don't know anything about a viable way to achieve the goal of getting unique ids with only digit except if you use auto increment with left padding like in function 2 to always get the same length for your ids while keeping uniqueness...

      <?php function uniq_digit_id($max=11){//more max is low less you got uniqueness

      	$uniq_digit_id .=rand(0,9);

      return $uniq_digit_id;


      function uniq_digit_id2($max=11,$data='uniq_digit_id2.txt'){

      	$maxnumber .='9';
      		/*you must use only one file per counter otherwise the file will be formatted 
      		to restart counter according to $max arg */
      		if($id==$maxnumber) return false;/*if the max number with the length $max 
      		is reached the response will always be false; so be sure to test the value before use it*/
      		return $id;
      		return $id;
      	return $id;


      echo '<pre>'; var_dump(uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id(),uniq_digit_id()); var_dump(uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2(),uniq_digit_id2()); echo '</pre>';

      Ask clarification

      1 Recommendation

      Riddler: Generate passwords according to given criteria

      This recommendation solves the problem.
      This recommendation does not solve the problem.


      by DeGraciaMathieu package author package author Reputation 75 - 2 hours ago (2018-02-12) Comment

      Hello, You can use this package like this

      <?php require 'vendor\autoload.php';

      use DeGraciaMathieu\Riddler\Password; use DeGraciaMathieu\Riddler\Dictionaries; use DeGraciaMathieu\Riddler\Occurrences;

      $password = new Password(); $password->addCriteria(new Dictionaries\Digit(), new Occurrences\Strict(11)); $password->generate(); // 16422597895

      Recommend package