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extract data from pdf file which consists of more tables: I want to extract data from pdf file and store it into mysql

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extract data from pdf file which consists of more tables


by YUVARANI - 5 days ago (2017-12-26)

I want to extract data from pdf file and store it into mysql

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my problem is to extract data from pdf file which consists of more tables and each table has different format and tag values. i want to extract data based on the tag value.

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1 Recommendation

PHP PDF to Text: Extract text contents from PDF files

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse Reputation 4665 - Less than 1 hour ago (2017-12-31) Comment

Hi.This package has 4 stars as rating,has been downloaded thousands times and has even been nominated for the innovation awards.You can use it as a very good starting point to extract data from PDF.

Recommend package